Welcome to Fluent American Conversations “ROME: Lesson 1!” Any questions or comments? Please write us at: support@realenglishnow.com
Please watch the video below. Remember: Don’t write anything. Just watch and listen. By the end of the lesson you will understand everything!
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Welcome to live conversations volume 2 – Rome
Greg: Ok, looks like from the map there, you are in Rome.
Mark: Indeed we are.
Greg: Why did you guys go to Rome?
Mark: Yeah, it was our extremely belated honeymoon. We’d been married – this trip was this past April – and we got married last July. So, nearly a year in the making, but just was quite busy. So, yeah, we spent 10 days, just in Rome and it was….These are the pictures I’m about to show you.
Greg: Ok, so what are we looking at here?
Mark: Here we are looking at the same building that was in that opening shot. This is called the Pantheon and it’s….I made it the first two pictures because it was my favorite building that I saw in Rome.
Greg: If you look at each of these columns, it would look like they just set the thing on top of them.
Mark: Mm-hmm.
Greg: I suppose they…I suppose they probably slipped them under there, maybe? I don’t know how they would’ve done that. But it doesn’t look like there’s any kind of soldering, or anything to actually, anything to actually hold it there. So it’s just the weight of the thing is, is keeping it attached or something. I don’t know. What do you… what do you… what’s your take on that?
Mark: Yeah, you mean the roof thing, the actual –
Greg: Yeah,
Mark: Yeah… That, I’m not sure. God knows how these people did that but, umm…Yeah, it looks like it’s just set on it. The only thing – the only trivia I remember – is that they stole the columns from Egypt. So, these are not even Roman columns. They just stole them and brought them on a boat, and that’s how they erected the structure pretty fast. Mind you, you can’t, you can’t quite see it in this picture. But, this building, the Pantheon, isn’t about what you’re seeing here. It’s about the dome that’s – you can kind of see that there’s a door maybe if you look. And when you go through that door, you are in just the most amazing domed….circular and domed structure. It’s incredible.
Listening before reading is very important. Please, DO NOT read the text yet. If you don’t understand the audio, that’s okay. Listen now, at least two times.
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you guys = you and (that other person, or people that we were talking about)
Remember, in these four groups of sentences below, a native speaker will usually use the 2nd version. So, “you guys” is the advanced word we want to learn.
What time did you and your sister arrive?
What time did you guys arrive?
What did you and the people you were with have for lunch?
What did you guys have for lunch?
Where did you and your friends, go last night?
Where did you guys go last night?
Why did you and your wife Dasha, go to Rome?
Why did you guys go to Rome?
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to be in the making = (regarding an amount of time) to take to finish
Remember, the 2nd version (using “to be in the making”) is how a native speaker will probably say these sentences.
This painting took about two weeks to finish.
This painting was about two weeks in the making.
U2 had been giving so many concerts, that this album took four years to finish.
U2 had been giving so many concerts, that this album was four years in the making.
So many writers worked on this book, that it took 2 years to finish.
So many writers worked on this book, that it was 2 years in the making.
So our trip took nearly a year to finish, We were just was quite busy.
So our trip was nearly a year in the making, We were just was quite busy.
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opening shot = first image
We Americans LOVE to talk about movies. A little phrase like this is great to know!
In the first image of Star Wars, there is text on the screen.
In the opening shot of Star Wars, there is text on the screen.
The first image of the movie is a view of the U.S. from space.
The opening shot of the movie is a view of the U.S. from space.
I love the first images of “Midnight in Paris”…all those amazing photos of Paris.
I love the opening shots of “Midnight in Paris”…all those amazing photos of Paris.
Here we are looking at the same building that was in that first scene of this movie.
Here we are looking at the same building that was in that opening shot first picture / first scene.
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to slip something under something = to slide (something under something)
If the door is locked, slide the documents under the door.
If the door is locked, slip the documents under the door.
Can you slip your hand under the gate and I’ll give you the key?
Can you slide your hand under the gate and I’ll give you the key?
They must’ve slid in through the window!
They must’ve slipped in through the window!
I suppose they probably slid them under there, maybe?
I suppose they probably slipped them under there, maybe?
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a take on someone or something = an opinion about (someone or something)
What’s your opinion about our new boss?
What’s your take on our new boss?
I don’t like Andrew. I think he’s selfish and has a big ego. But that’s my opinion. What’s yours?
I don’t like Andrew. I think he’s selfish and has a big ego. But that’s my take. What’s yours?
Do you think we should buy stock in Microsoft?
My opinion is that if their newest operating system is released before Christmas, then we should buy.
My take is that if their newest operating system is released before Christmas, then we should buy.
What’s your opinion about that?
What’s your take on that?
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God knows = It’s difficult to understand, It’s difficult to guess, etc
It’s difficult to understand why Tom robbed the bank.
God knows why Tom robbed the bank.
Our daughter is out with those friends of hers doing — it’s difficult to guess what!
Our daughter is out with those friends of hers doing God knows what!
It’s difficult to guess how many people left homeless after Hurricane Katrina.
There were God knows how many people left homeless after Hurricane Katrina.
It’s difficult to understand how these people did that.
God knows how these people did that.
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mind you = I want you to understand
This is only my first draft, I want you to understand. The finished script will be much better.
This is only my first draft, Mind you. The finished script will be much better.
I want you to understand, this pizza would be much better if it had pepperoni.
Mind you, this pizza would be much better if it had pepperoni.
I want you to understand, it’s still early in the season, but Los Angeles Lakers have a 10 and 3 record.
Mind you it’s still early in the season, but Los Angeles Lakers have a 10 and 3 record.
I want you to understand, you can’t quite see it in this picture.
Mind you, you can’t quite see it in this picture.
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it’s about = the important part of ____ is
NOTE: Often expressed as, “it’s all about”
The important part of Monet’s art is all about his use of light and color.
Monet’s art is all about his use of light and color.
The important part of politics is who you know.
Politics is all about who you know.
For me, the important part of going to the movies, is having popcorn and cola.
For me, going to the movies is about having popcorn and cola.
With the Pantheon, the important part is the dome.
With the Pantheon, it’s about the dome.
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I can somewhat taste lemon in these cookies.
I can kind of taste lemon in these cookies.
Your friend is coming with us? I somewhat thought just you and I were going.
Your friend is coming with us? I kind of thought just you and I were going.
I like red somewhat. I like blue better though.
I kind of like red. I like blue better though.
If you look closely, you can somewhat see that there’s a door.
If you look closely, you can kind of see that there’s a door.
Easy: What time did you and your sister arrive?
Advanced: What time did __ ____ arrive?
Easy: This painting took about two weeks to finish.
Advanced: This painting ___ about two weeks __ ___ ____.
Easy: In the first image of Star Wars, there is text on the screen.
Advanced: In the ______ ____ of Star Wars, there is text on the screen.
Easy: If the door is locked, slide the documents under the door.
Advanced: If the door is locked, ____ the documents under the door.
Easy: What’s your opinion about our new boss?
Advanced: What’s your ____ __ our new boss?
Easy: It’s difficult to understand why Tom robbed the bank.
Advanced: ___ ____ why Tom robbed the bank.
Easy: This is only my first draft, I want you to understand. The finished script will be much better.
Advanced: This is only my first draft, ____ ___. The finished script will be much better.
Easy: The important part of Monet’s art is all about his use of light and color.
Advanced: Monet’s art __ ___ ____ his use of light and color.
Easy: I can somewhat taste lemon in these cookies.
Advanced: I can ____ __ taste lemon in these cookies.