Welcome to LIVE CONVERSATIONS “ROME: Lesson 9!” Any questions or comments? Please write us at: support@realenglishnow.com
Please watch the video below. Remember: Don’t write anything. Just watch and listen. By the end of the lesson you will understand everything!
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Greg: So, is this the view just outside of your apartment?
Mark: Yeah, this is the view out of our living room window. So, yeah. The point, though, was that super small car. That is definitely a common theme in Rome, are mini cars. And then the Vespas, as these motorbikes are called. My only complaint about Rome is that there are very, very, very, few sidewalks. And so you’re always, just….Argh! (making the sound “Argh” from being frustrated) Someone’s behind you! A car, a Vespa, a car, a Vespa! And you’re hugging the wall. And…..They don’t drive like maniacs, but just…They don’t really care that you’re walking either, you know? So you’re…You’re sharing the road all the time with vehicles.
Greg: I see. Yeah, that car. That little….You’re talking about the little white one, with the black…black roof? I wonder if that….That looks like that roof might be some kind of material and…And it would make sense. Like, if you’re really tall, you have to actually remove the roof, so your head will stick out.
Mark: Yeah, seriously! Yeah, there’s some….We saw some real small cars.
Greg: So, here it looks like you are looking up into the sky to the right, totally ignoring the beautiful artwork behind you. But I’m going to assume that you are doing that on purpose. So what is…What is that?
Mark: We are in a place called “Piazza Navonna.” And this picture, to me, is pretty indicative of Rome, as well, in that there is so much to look at. Yeah, there’s the rubble thing that I was kind of making fun of. But there is so much incredible architecture in this city, that there was something good enough to distract me from what you’re seeing, if that makes sense. Actually, all it was, was like someone’s beautifully-done balcony, and there was flowers on it, and it had just a sign that said “Piazza Navonna.” So, architecturally, it was actually quite simple. And I’ll scrounge up that photo, ‘(be)cause I’m sure Dasha took a picture. But just that….She found it (interesting)…This wasn’t planned, or anything. She found it interesting, that: “Why isn’t Mark,” you know, “…even looking at this: The fountain, the statues, the church.” That’s a church, you know, at the….at the center-point of the picture. And yet something else has caught your eye. That is also very…(it) sums up the feeling of Rome.
Greg: Very indicative of Rome.
Listening before reading is very important. Please, DO NOT read the text yet. If you don’t understand the audio, that’s okay. Listen now, at least two times.
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hugging = standing or moving very close to
Remember, in these four groups of sentences below, a native speaker will usually use the 2nd version. So, “hugging” is the advanced phrase we want to learn.
During the fire, we had to stand on the ledge outside our hotel. We all stood very close to the side of the building!
During the fire, we had to stand on the ledge outside our hotel. We all hugged the side of the building!
I stood very close to the railing. I didn’t want to fall off the stairs.
I hugged the railing. I didn’t want to fall off the stairs.
The two cars were racing. The car in the lead moved very close to the inside of the race track to keep the other car from passing.
The two cars were racing. The car in the lead hugged the inside of the race track to keep the other car from passing.
A car, a Vespa, a car, a Vespa! And you’re moving very close to the wall.
A car, a Vespa, a car, a Vespa! And you’re hugging the wall.
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like maniacs = dangerously
Remember, the 2nd version (using “like maniacs”) is how a native speaker will probably say these sentences.
All the taxi drivers in Manhattan drive dangerously.
All the taxi drivers in Manhattan drive like maniacs.
They flew the plane dangerously. They flew much too close to the ground.
They flew the plane like maniacs. They flew much too close to the ground.
Dangerously, they drove the boat into the hurricane.
Like maniacs, they drove the boat into the hurricane.
They don’t drive dangerously, but just…They don’t really care that you’re walking either, you know?
They don’t drive like maniacs, but just…They don’t really care that you’re walking either, you know?
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to stick out = to be somewhat outside of
His big wallet was somewhat outside of his pocket.
His big wallet was sticking out of his pocket.
The police caught him, because his gun was somewhat outside of his jacket.
The police caught him, because his gun was sticking out of his jacket.
His pens were somewhat outside of his shirt pocket.
His pens were sticking out of his shirt pocket.
Like, if you’re really tall, you have to actually remove the roof, so your head will be somewhat outside of the car.
Like, if you’re really tall, you have to actually remove the roof, so your head will stick out of the car.
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indicative = typical
A rash of itchy red bumps on your skin is typical of chickenpox.
A rash of itchy red bumps on your skin is indicative of chickenpox.
After the robbery, the whole apartment was messy. That is typical of theft.
After the robbery, the whole apartment was messy. That is indicative of theft.
He couldn’t move his arm. That is typical of a broken arm.
He couldn’t move his arm. That is indicative of a broken arm.
And this picture, to me, is pretty typical of Rome.
And this picture, to me, is pretty indicative of Rome.
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in that = the reason is that
St. Petersburg, Russia reminds me of Venice, the reason is that it has so many canals and bridges.
St. Petersburg, Russia reminds me of Venice in that it has so many canals and bridges.
The painting looks like it was painted by Picasso, the reason is that the man’s head isn’t painted above his body.
The painted looks like it was painted by Picasso, in that the man’s head isn’t painted above his body.
The car appears to be American, the reason is that the car is very large.
The car appears to be American, in that the car is very large.
This picture is pretty indicative of Rome, the reason is that there is so much to look at.
This picture is pretty indicative of Rome, in that there is so much to look at.
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to make fun of = to make a joke about
In school, kids would make jokes about me for wearing glasses.
In school, kids would make fun of me for wearing glasses.
They made jokes about my large ears.
They made fun of my large ears.
The comedian was making jokes about the audience member.
The comedian was making fun of the audience member.
There’s the rubble thing that I was kind of making a joke about.
There’s the rubble thing that I was kind of making fun of.
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to scrounge up = to find
It’s raining. I don’t want you to get your nice shoes wet. Let me see if I can find some old sneakers in my closet.
It’s raining. I don’t want you to get your nice shoes wet. Let me see if I can scrounge up some old sneakers in my closet.
I still need another dollar for that food? I will see if I can find some more money in my car.
I still need another dollar for that food? I will see if I can scrounge up some more money in my car.
Can you find the vegetables in the cabinet?
Can you scrounge up the vegetables in the cabinet?
I’ll find that photo.
I’ll scrounge up that photo.
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to catch your eye = to notice
I immediately noticed the blond woman at the bar.
The blond woman at the bar immediately caught my eye.
I noticed the bright yellow sign outside of the store.
The bright yellow sign outside of the store caught my eye.
I noticed the flashing lights before anything else.
The flashing lights caught my eye before anything else.
You noticed something else.
Something else has caught your eye.
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to sum up = to summarize
The movie “Titanic” can be summarized as “Romeo and Juliet on a sinking ship.”
The movie “Titanic” can be summed up as “Romeo and Juliet on a sinking ship.”
To summarize, the war was fought because of a small territory.
To sum up, the war was fought because of a small territory.
To summarize, I was mad because he never paid me.
To sum up, I was mad because he never paid me.
It summarizes the feeling of Rome.
It sums up the feeling of Rome.
Easy: During the fire, we had to stand on the ledge outside our hotel. We all stood very close to the side of the building!
Advanced: During the fire, we had to stand on the ledge outside our hotel. We all ______ the side of the building!
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Easy: All the taxi drivers in Manhattan drive dangerously.
Advanced: All the taxi drivers in Manhattan drive like ________.
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Easy: His big wallet was somewhat outside of his pocket.
Advanced: His big wallet was ______ ___ of his pocket.
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Easy: A rash of itchy red bumps on your skin is typical of chickenpox.
Advanced: A rash of itchy red bumps on your skin is ________ of chickenpox.
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Easy: St. Petersburg, Russia reminds me of Venice, the reason is that it has so many canals and bridges.
Advanced: St. Petersburg, Russia reminds me of Venice __ ____ it has so many canals and bridges.
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Easy: In school, kids would make jokes about me for wearing glasses.
Advanced: In school, kids would ____ ___ __ me for wearing glasses.
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Easy: It’s raining. I don’t want you to get your nice shoes wet. Let me see if I can find some old sneakers in my closet.
Advanced: It’s raining. I don’t want you to get your nice shoes wet. Let me see if I can _______ __ some old sneakers in my closet.
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Easy: I immediately noticed the blond woman at the bar.
Advanced: The blond woman at the bar immediately ______ __ ___ .
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Easy: The movie “Titanic” can be summarized as “Romeo and Juliet on a sinking ship.”
Advanced: The movie “Titanic” can be ______ __ as “Romeo and Juliet on a sinking ship.”
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