Welcome to LIVE CONVERSATIONS “ROME: Lesson 8!” Any questions or comments? Please write us at: support@realenglishnow.com
Please watch the video below. Remember: Don’t write anything. Just watch and listen. By the end of the lesson you will understand everything!
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Greg: Well, this looks like a pretty nice place. Is this where you guys stayed?
Mark: This was the apartment we rented. The name of it was “Campo Di Fiori High Tech”. That was the name of the apartment. The…. Campo Di Fiori is where we were staying. The neighborhood.
Greg: The chairs are in…The chairs are interesting to me. Did…Were those comfortable? They look like little ice cream scoops, or something. Were they…
Mark: Uhh, yeah. Yeah, they were comfortable. I mean, I…I like back support, so maybe wouldn’t buy them for myself. But I wasn’t…I wasn’t complaining. But I prefer the couch, you know? I like to relax.
Greg: Right. Cool. And how much stuff did you have to buy, or was it pretty much stocked? Like, was the refrigerator stocked, or not really? Or, just all the books and all that was already there?
Mark: That’s a good question. Yeah. I was surprised. I’ve rented a ton of apartments in Russia, and they give you nothing. There’s like a spoon, and half of a napkin. I mean, I’m not kidding. They just…I guess they worry about theft. There’s nothing. Whereas here, I wouldn’t say it was fully stocked, but: A couple choices of olive oil, vinegar, coffee. There was juice, you know? There….there wasn’t… There was spaghetti, of course. That’s just a…Probably they don’t think about. It’s like having sugar in the house, you know? So it was….I won’t say it was totally stocked, but there was enough. Enough to get you through that first day.
Greg: Cool. And what did this cost a night? I’m curious, because this is definitely more fun than a hotel room, I would say. What did…What did this run a night, say, in dollars?
Mark: In dollars this was, I think, right even at $200 a night. You pay for location. And it was absolutely….I’ll show a map while we’re talking. And you can see, in relation to just about everything except for the Vatican – even that we walked to, actually – but it’s comfortable walking distance to all the major sites in Rome. Plus, you are…We were thirty paces away from the Campo Di Fiori food market. The fruit and vegetable and meat market is all on this one area. And, you know, it’s an open air market. And gosh, you know….Just go there for the morning, get your cold cuts, get your fresh croissant. So what a great way to eat and live. Just, you know…You take that morning walk and get your food each day. It’s awesome.
Listening before reading is very important. Please, DO NOT read the text yet. If you don’t understand the audio, that’s okay. Listen now, at least two times.
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a ton of = a lot
Remember, in these four groups of sentences below, a native speaker will usually use the 2nd version. So, “a ton of” is the advanced phrase we want to learn.
I bought a lot of snack food for the bus ride.
I bought a ton of snack food for the bus ride.
We have a lot of blankets in the closet if you get cold.
We have a ton of blankets in the closet if you get cold.
There is a lot of beer in the refrigerator. Help yourself.
There is a ton of beer in the refrigerator. Help yourself.
I’ve rented a lot of apartments in Russia, and they give you nothing.
I’ve rented a ton of apartments in Russia, and they give you nothing.
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whereas = but (used as a contrast between two things)
Remember, the 2nd version (using “whereas”) is how a native speaker will probably say these sentences.
This medicine works fast, but this one lasts a long time.
This medicine works fast, whereas this one lasts a long time.
Rembrandt painted portraits, but Monet painted landscapes.
Rembrandt painted portraits, whereas Monet painted landscapes.
New York is a walking city, but in Los Angeles you need a car.
New York is a walking city, whereas in Los Angeles you need a car.
In Russian apartments you don’t get much, but in Rome we got a couple choices of olive oil, spaghetti, coffee, juice, etc.
In Russian apartments you don’t get much, whereas in Rome we got a couple choices of olive oil, spaghetti, coffee, juice, etc.
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to run = to cost
A hotel room in Manhattan can easily cost $300 a night.
A hotel room in Manhattan can easily run $300 a night.
From here, a taxi to the airport should cost about $25.
From here, a taxi to the airport should run about $25.
I really like that pool you built in your backyard. What did that cost you?
I really like that pool you built in your backyard. What did that run you?
What did that cost a night in dollars?
What did that run a night in dollars?
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say – for example
If, for example, you had 400 dollars. How would you spend it?
If, say, you had 400 dollars. How would you spend it?
If, for example, your child hurt herself. Could you take care of her?
If, say, your child hurt herself. Could you take care of her?
For example, you lower the price of your merchandise. More people would buy it.
Say you lower the price of your merchandise. More people would buy it.
What did this run a night, for example, in dollars?
What did this run a night, say, in dollars?
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you pay for – the value is because of
The value is because of our experience with this situation.
You pay for our experience with this situation.
I know the price seems high. The value is because of the work we do for you.
I know the price seems high. You pay for the work we do for you.
The value is because of the safe neighborhood where the apartment is located.
You pay for the safe neighborhood where the apartment is located.
The value is because of the location.
You pay for location.
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gosh – I’m emphasizing that
I’m emphasizing that that’s far. Let’s take a taxi.
Gosh, that’s far. Let’s take a taxi.
I’m emphasizing that, that’s probably not a good idea. It’s dangerous.
Gosh, that’s probably not a good idea. It’s dangerous.
I’m emphasizing that, you paid too much for that new car.
Gosh, you paid too much for that new car.
And emphasizing that, you know….Just go there for the morning, get your cold cuts, get your fresh croissant.
And gosh, you know….Just go there for the morning, get your cold cuts, get your fresh croissant.
Easy: I bought a lot of snack food for the bus ride.
Advanced: I bought __ ___ of snack food for the bus ride.
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Easy: This medicine works fast, but this one lasts a long time.
Advanced: This medicine works fast, _______ this one lasts a long time.
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Easy: A hotel room in Manhattan can easily cost $300 a night.
Advanced: A hotel room in Manhattan can easily ___ $300 a night.
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Easy: If, for example, you had 400 dollars. How would you spend it?
Advanced: If, ___, you had 400 dollars. How would you spend it?
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Easy: The value is because of our experience with this situation.
Advanced: ___ ___ ___ our experience with this situation.
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Easy: I’m emphasizing that that’s far. Let’s take a taxi.
Advanced: ______, that’s far. Let’s take a taxi.
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