Welcome to LIVE CONVERSATIONS “ROME: Lesson 7!” Any questions or comments? Please write us at: support@realenglishnow.com
Please watch the video below. Remember: Don’t write anything. Just watch and listen. By the end of the lesson you will understand everything!
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Greg: Right. Okay, so I don’t see what we can talk about here. I see some rubble and some rocks and stones, but looking at the title of this picture…And Here Stood The Imperial Senate…
Mark: I’m laughing while you’re talking, because that’s exactly how I felt. You take these tours of Rome, and you say, “You know what? I’m looking at a pile of rubble.” And this – that’s what the tour guide was saying: “And here stood the Imperial Senate.” Like….The point of this picture is that, when you take a tour of Rome, you need a pretty damn good imagination. You see, like, one little pedestal there, and that’s the entire, you know, six six story building that that’s supposed to represent. This might have been the Forums, or something like that. And that’s all that’s left is this crumbling rumble – rubble, excuse me. And I think this is a very typical Roman picture.
Greg: Is it really? Wow…
Mark: No, as…You’ll see, there’s enough stuff that survived, like the Colosseum. And the Pantheon is just…Rome is worth it just for the Pantheon.
Greg: Really?…
Mark: Now to me, that’s how incredible that building is. And there’s plenty, as you’ll see in these pictures. But just, this thing too. This kind of just, “Look at this rubble!” you know? Dasha ran across this cool book while we were there, which was “Rome As It Used To Be,” but what was great is – it’s almost like a kid’s book – you see Rome as it used to be, and then you can peel away these cellophane layers…
Greg: Right.
Mark: And you start to see what the deterioration has become. So you can follow the progress of how it looked 2,000 years ago, 1,000 years ago, 500 and how it looks today, and say, “Okay, now I see it.” But it does sometimes take a pretty good imagination.
Greg: Okay, this looks pretty tasty. Probably some kind of macaroni thing, I guess. We’re talking about Rome, so of course pasta has got to be a big thing. What is that?
Mark: It is called “Cacio i Pepe.” And I think the noodle is in the fettuccine family, which means it has egg in it, as opposed to what’s…whatever spaghetti is made of.
Greg: I see. And it looks like that’s on a plate. But what are the noodles sitting in? Is that some kind of a cake thing (, or is it a…What is that?
Mark: It’s an edible Parmesan bowl. The meal was fantastic and the bowl was incredible.
Greg: And so you actually eat the bowl?
Mark: Yeah.
Greg: Interesting. And what is the white and black stuff on there? That looks like some kind of spice, or something.
Mark: Mmm-hmm. The white is Parmesan. Definitely can’t go to an Italian restaurant without Parmesan. And the black is pepper, which is part of the name. So it’s: “Cacio” is the name of the noodle, and I guess the, the white sauce that it’s cooked in. There’s a white sauce on that. And then “Pepe” must be the Italian word for pepper.
Greg: I see. So you have cheesy noodles with parmesan cheese on top, in a cheese bowl.
Mark: With a white sauce in there, as well.
Greg: Awesome.
Listening before reading is very important. Please, DO NOT read the text yet. If you don’t understand the audio, that’s okay. Listen now, at least two times.
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pretty damn = very
Remember, in these four groups of sentences below, a native speaker will usually use the 2nd version. So, “pretty damn” is the advanced phrase we want to learn. But please be careful with this one. “Pretty damn” can be very rude, so please be careful in how you say it. And use it only with good friends.
“The Hangover” is a very funny movie. You really should watch it!
“The Hangover” is a pretty damn funny movie. You really should watch it!
That magic trick was very cool. How did you do it?
That magic trick was pretty damn cool. How did you do it?
The hotel is very far from here. Let’s take a taxi, okay?
The hotel is pretty damn far from here. Let’s take a taxi, okay?
When you take a tour of Rome, you need a very good imagination.
When you take a tour of Rome, you need a pretty damn good imagination.
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to be worth it = to be worth the time and energy to go there (or do it, etc)
Remember, the 2nd version (using “to be worth it”) is how a native speaker will probably say these sentences.
You should rent “Dances With Wolves.” It’s worth the time and energy to do that just for the cinematography.
You should rent “Dances With Wolves.” It’s worth it just for the cinematography.”
It’s worth the time and energy to visit Manhattan just to eat a slice of Familia’s pizza.
Manhattan is worth it just to eat a slice of Familia’s pizza.
It’s worth all the time and energy to learn English because of all the opportunities you will have.
English is worth it because of all the opportunities you will have.
Rome is worth the time and energy to go there just for the Pantheon.
Rome is worth it just for the Pantheon.
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to run across = to find
This is a difficult phrasal verb for students. The words “to run + across” don’t really suggest the idea of “finding” at all!
I found an interesting website on astronomy the other day.
I ran across an interesting website on astronomy the other day.
I found this coupon for two free movie tickets. Want to come with me?
I ran across this coupon for two free movie tickets. Want to come with me?
When I was cleaning out my basement I found my old high school yearbook. Look at these photos!
When I was cleaning out my basement I ran across my old high school yearbook. Look at these photos!
Dasha found this cool book while we were there, which was “Rome As It Used To Be.”
Dasha ran across this cool book while we were there, which was “Rome As It Used To Be.”
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observe = follow the progress of
I like to observe my stocks every morning.
I like to follow the progress of my stocks every morning.
If you log on to your merchant’s profile, you can observe how your products are selling.
If you log on to your merchant’s profile, you can follow the progress of how your products are selling.
A personal trainer will observe how your training is doing.
A personal trainer will follow the progress of how your training is doing.
With that book, you can observe how Rome changed in the past 2000 years.
With that book, you can follow the progress of how Rome changed in the past 2000 years.
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______ thing = a thing made of ______
It’s some thing made of pasta.
It’s some pasta thing.
Here, drink this. It’s some thing made of fruit juice.
Here, drink this. It’s some fruit juice thing.
Do you like it? It’s some hamburger-mushroom thing my mom made.
Do you like it? It’s some thing made of hamburger and mushroom my mom made.
The Italian dish “Cacio i Pepe” is some thing made of macaroni. And it’s delicious!
The Italian dish “Cacio i Pepe” is some macaroni thing. And it’s delicious!
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in the ___ family = is a type of _____
Peanuts are actually a type of legume.
Peanuts are actually in the legume family.
Are eggs a type of meat?
Are eggs in the meat family?
Whales are a type of mammal.
Whales are in the mammal family.
I think the noodle of Cacio i Pepe is a type of fettuccine
I think the noodle of Cacio i Pepe is in the fettuccine family.
Easy: “The Hangover” is a very funny movie. You really should watch it!
Advanced: “The Hangover” is a ____ ____ funny movie. You really should watch it!
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Easy: You should rent “Dances With Wolves.” It’s worth the time and energy to do that just for the cinematography.
Advanced: You should rent “Dances With Wolves.” ___ ____ __ just for the cinematography.”
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Easy: I found an interesting website on astronomy the other day.
Advanced: I ___ ____ an interesting website on astronomy the other day.
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Easy: I like to observe my stocks every morning.
Advanced: I like to ______ ___ ______ __ my stocks every morning.
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Easy: Here, drink this. It’s some thing made of fruit juice.
Advanced: Here, drink this. It’s ____ ______ _____ ______ .
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Easy: Peanuts are actually a type of legume.
Advanced: Peanuts are actually __ ___ ______ _______ .
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