Welcome to Fluent American Conversations “ROME: Lesson 3!” Any questions or comments? Please write us at: support@realenglishnow.com
Please watch the video below. Remember: Don’t write anything. Just watch and listen. By the end of the lesson you will understand everything!
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Mark: Take a wild guess what this is.
Greg: I would say – and I’m probably not even guessing – this is the Colosseum.
Mark: Yep.
Greg: And the big question is: Were there any lions at the Colosseum, or are they long gone?
Mark: I think they’re long gone. What I was struck by was: I thought the whole time that the coliseum actually looked like that, with that….that cut in it. Like, I didn’t know…We saw pictures later on of “Ancient Rome As It Really Was.” And the Colosseum was a complete circle, you know? It wasn’t broken like that, on the edge. I actually…You know, we…That’s how we always see it, so that’s – I don’t know – that’s how I thought it was. I was shocked to see that it used to be, of course, a complete circle all the way around.
Greg: Probably…..I think our mind will let that go, because a lot of stadiums are kind of open ended. So you see that and think, “Oh, okay. That makes sense.
Mark: It’s probably what….where they got the idea. They’re like, “Well. if it’s good enough for Rome.” You know? Not even knowing.
Greg: “If the Romans did it, by God, we’re going to have an open ended stadium, too!”
Listening before reading is very important. Please, DO NOT read the text yet. If you don’t understand the audio, that’s okay. Listen now, at least two times.
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to be long gone = to have been gone for a long time
Remember, in these four groups of sentences below, a native speaker will usually use the 2nd version. So, “long gone” is the advanced phrase we want to learn.
By the time the police arrived, the burglars had been gone for a long time.
By the time the police arrived, the burglars were long gone.
Our front gate has been open all day so I’m sure our dog has been gone for a long tim.
Our front gate has been open all day so I’m sure our dog is long gone.
Sorry, all the free cookies have been gone for a long time.
Sorry, all the free cookies are long gone.
Were there any lions at the Colosseum, or have they been gone for a long time?
Were there any lions at the Colosseum, or are they long gone?
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to be struck by = to be amazed by
Remember, the 2nd version (using “struck by”) is how a native speaker will probably say these sentences.
I was amazed by the beauty inside the palace. Because outside, it’s somewhat plain.
I was struck by the beauty inside the palace. Because outside, it’s somewhat plain.
I was amazed by the little boy’s kindness.
I was struck by the little boy’s kindness.
I was amazed by how polite everyone was in Japan.
I was struck by how polite everyone was in Japan.
What I was amazed by was the fact that the Coliseum had once been a complete circle.
What I was struck by was the fact that the Coliseum had once been a complete circle.
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the whole time = during that time
(NOTE: The period of time is often understood.)
I was waiting outside the museum for an hour, but my friends were inside during that time, looking for me.
I was waiting outside the museum for an hour, but my friends were inside the whole time, looking for me.
Those two girls ruined the movie. They were talking during that time.
Those two girls ruined the movie. They were talking the whole time.
Chris is serious about becoming a priest? I thought he was joking during that time.
Chris is serious about becoming a priest? I thought he was joking the whole time.
I thought during that time that the Colosseum actually looked like that, with that cut in it.
I thought the whole time that the Colosseum actually looked like that, with that cut in it.
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to let something go = to ignore
That was a mean thing you said, but I’ll ignore it because I know you are tired.
That was a mean thing you said, but I’ll let it go because I know you are tired.
I forgot that I have a bottle of cognac in my handbag. I hope the airport security lets it go.
I forgot that I have a bottle of cognac in my handbag. I hope the airport security ignores it.
I was late to class, but the teacher let it go.
I was late to class, but the teacher ignored it.
I think our mind will ignore that, because a lot of stadiums have an open end like the Coliseum.
I think our mind will let that go, because a lot of stadiums have an open end like the Coliseum.
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that makes sense = that is now understandable
Oh, we have to wait in the lobby because they are still cleaning our room? Okay, that is now understandable.
Oh, we have to wait in the lobby because they are still cleaning our room? Okay, that makes sense.
Thanks for the explanation. That is understandable now.
Thanks for the explanation. That makes sense now.
There is a lot of construction on the road, so to get to the theater you have to drive past the entrance, and park by the library, if that is now understandable.
There is a lot of construction on the road, so to get to the theater you have to drive past the entrance, and park by the library, if that makes sense.
So you see that and think, “Oh, okay. That is now understandable.”
So you see that and think, “Oh, okay. That makes sense.”
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if it’s good enough for ______ = if _____ did it
This touch-screen technology isn’t perfect, but we should still use it in our new product. After all, if Apple did it…
This touch-screen technology isn’t perfect, but we should still use it in our new product. After all, if it’s good enough for Apple…
You’re supposed to make these cookies with peanuts, but my mom uses walnuts. If she did it…
You’re supposed to make these cookies with peanuts, but my mom uses walnuts. If it’s good enough for her…
Nadal is one of the best tennis players in the world, and he wears Nike. So, if he does it…
Nadal is one of the best tennis players in the world, and he wears Nike. So, if it’s good enough for him…
They’re like, “Well, if Rome did it…”
They’re like, “Well, if it’s good enough for Rome…”
Easy: By the time the police arrived, the burglars had been gone for a long time.
Advanced: By the time the police arrived, the burglars ___ ____ ____ .
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Easy: I was amazed by the beauty inside the palace. Because outside, it’s somewhat plain.
Advanced: I was _____ by the beauty inside the palace. Because outside, it’s somewhat plain.
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Easy: I was waiting outside the museum for an hour, but my friends were inside during that time, looking for me.
Advanced: I was waiting outside the museum for an hour, but my friends were inside __ _____ ____, looking for me.
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Easy: That was a mean thing you said, but I’ll ignore it because I know you are tired.
Advanced: That was a mean thing you said, but I’ll ___ __ __ because I know you are tired.
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Easy: Oh, we have to wait in the lobby because they are still cleaning our room? Okay, that is now understandable.
Advanced: Oh, we have to wait in the lobby because they are still cleaning our room? Okay, ___ ____ ____.
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Easy: This touch-screen technology isn’t perfect, but we should still use it in our new product. After all, if Apple did it…
Advanced: This touch-screen technology isn’t perfect, but we should still use it in our new product. After all, __ ___ ___ _____ __ ______…
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