Please watch the video below. Remember: Don’t write anything. Just watch and listen. By the end of the lesson you will understand everything!
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Mark: So, I’m sure you could guess where this was even if you didn’t see the title of the picture, which is “Central Park”.
Greg: We didn’t go, actually. I kinda wanted to, but when we were there, I just—I don’t know. We were only there for two days. It kinda just got lost in the shuffle, I guess.
Mark: It’s amazing how big the park is. And it was really genius of the, you know, original designers of the city to say, “You know what, let’s keep this.” I mean, for a city, that’s a pretty mammoth part, you know? Especially when their real estate’s that valuable.
Greg: Yeah.
Mark: To leave such a huge chunk (piece of land). I mean you can get lost to the point—well, maybe…I don’t want to exaggerate. But, it seems like you can get to the point where, if you don’t look all the way around, you don’t see buildings. That’s how, kinda, that much into the trees and grass and hills you can get…to where you really do feel like you’ve left the city. It’s a great experience.
Greg: Wow, that’s cool. How-how is it? I-I remember back in like, you know, the early 80’s there was a fear of going into Central Park. Like, you were going to get killed for sure, you know?
Mark: Sure.
Greg: Like, it was just a matter of when (when you would be killed), not if (if you would be killed), you know? So, how is it these days?
Mark: Ever since Mayor Giuliani took over in, I guess it was the early 90’s, he really, really changed that city around. He basically put huge money towards the police. He must’ve tripled or quadrupled the law enforcement. And they brought in computers to really track problem areas, and they were very scientific about cracking down on crime. And in a couple of years, he—I mean New York drank—dropped from being ranked, you know, the number…top three cities in the world in crime to, you know, mid-fifties or something in the US. It was incredible. So, he got rid of all—he cleaned up, especially like Times Square and the real center. I mean Times Square used to be so seedy, and really all the center of Manhattan used to be really a scary place for kids. They were selling drugs, porn shops! Now, it’s….You go to Times Square, it’s Disney, Nike, you know, Virgin Records. It’s the big…Corporate America took over, and they got all the seedy crap out of there. And it’s great. I mean, some people say maybe he was a little ruthless but, Giuliani just rocked New York City.
Greg: Wow.
Mark: He made…He made it what it is today, for sure.
Greg: Awesome.
Mark: That’s why he tried to run for President, because people, you know—I don’t know if you remember that Giuliani ran for President—and people, you know: A) The way he handled 9/11, and B) What he did to New York—they thought, “Wow, you know, if this guy can do that to New York City, couldn’t he turn this country around?” But, I don’t know. Maybe he was just too Republican. But…But anyway, I have great respect (a lot of respect) for the guy.
Greg: Cool.
Mark: We can go to the next picture because, you can see this is what I meant. Where, you know, that’s—they’re playing softball and you don’t see a building around, you know? This could be the middle of—well I was going to say Westchester—but just, the middle of suburbia America but—
Greg: Right.
Mark: right behind us—actually, even if you turn around, you’re going to see a hill with trees, you know. If I could do a 360 panorama shot with—from where I’m standing—you would not see tall buildings. Maybe you’d see some little thing between the trees but essentially you feel like you’re just in a park. It’s great.
Greg: Right. So—
Mark: That’s—that’s why-that’s why Central Park is so beloved by New Yorkers because it’s very easy to get away from the city.
Greg: Right. And so Dasha took that picture—picture, I’m assuming, and you are the catcher, is that right?
Mark: Right. That was a good one. No, that’s—we were just enjoying the day there.
Greg: I see. Ok.
Mark: I think that was-I think that was the first time she’d ever seen baseball.
Greg: Really?
Mark: Yeah. Certainly the first time she’d seen it live.
Greg: Right.
Mark: you know?
Listening before reading is very important. Please, DO NOT read the text yet. If you don’t understand the audio, that’s okay. Listen now, at least two times.
1. |
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to get lost in the shuffle = to be forgotten because of being busy
Remember, in these four groups of sentences below, a native speaker will usually use the 2nd version. So, "got lost in the shuffle" is the advanced phrase we want to learn.
I’m sorry I’d didn’t answer your email. It was forgotten because I was busy.
I’m sorry I’d didn’t answer your email. It got lost in the shuffle.
I guess our ideas were forgotten because someone was busy.
I guess our ideas got lost in the shuffle.
I’m sorry. Your message was forgotten because I was busy..
I’m sorry. Your message got lost in the shuffle.
We wanted to go to Central Park but it kinda just was forgotten because we were busy.
We wanted to go to Central Park but it kinda just got lost in the shuffle.
2. |
[toggle title=”Click to reveal #2″]
to get to the point where = to go so far that (a significant result happens)
Remember, the 2nd version (using "got to the point where") is how a native speaker will probably say these sentences.
The pain in my tooth went so far that I had to see a dentist.
The pain in my tooth got to the point where I had to see a dentist.
Things went so far that I had to leave.
Things got to the point where I had to leave.
Things went so far that she had to quit.
Things got to the point where she had to quit.
In Central Park, you can go so far that you don’t see any buildings.
In Central Park, you can get to the point where you don’t see any buildings.
3. |
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to take over = to become the leader (or the President, or the owner, etc)
When Brad became the leader of this company, our sales improved immediately.
When Brad took overthis company, our sales improved immediately.
I think you should become the leader of this group.
I think you should take over this group.
I think Brenda should become the leader of the class.
I think Brenda should take over the class.
Ever since Mayor Giuliani became the leader in the 1990’s, New York has really improved.
Ever since Mayor Giuliani took over in the 1990’s, New York has really improved.
4. |
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to crack down on = to not tolerate (crimes, etc)
NOTE: The Present Continuous form (cracking down) gives the feeling that "the process of not tolerating" is now becoming more serious.
The University is not tolerating students who cheat.
The University is cracking down on students who cheat.
The government is not tolerating corruption.
The government is cracking down on corruption.
The store is not tolerating theft.
The store is cracking down on theft.
In New York they were very scientific about not tolerating crime.
In New York they were very scientific about cracking down on crime.
5. |
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or something = approximately
I think I only paid $100 approximately for this phone.
I think I only paid $100 or something for this phone.
Tickets cost ten dollars approximately.
Tickets cost ten dollars or something.
She paid ten dollars, approximately, for each one.
She paid ten dollars or something for each one.
New York dropped from being ranked in the Top 3 cities with crime, to the mid-fifties approximately.
New York dropped from being ranked in the Top 3 cities with crime, to the mid-fifties or something.
6. |
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to get rid of = to remove, to dispose of (like garbage)
I disposed of all my old clothes. I have so much space now, in my closet!
I got rid of all my old clothes. I have so much space now, in my closet!
We just disposed of all of our old CDs.
We just got rid of all of our old CDs.
My neighbors disposed of their old car.
My neighbors got rid of their old car.
Mayor Giuliani removed all the bad things from Times Square, like the drug dealers and porn shops.
Mayor Giuliani got rid of all the bad things from Times Square, like the drug dealers and porn shops.
7. |
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(slang) to rock = to do a great job in
So far, our team has been doing a great job in this tournament!
So far, our team has been rocking this tournament!
I did great on that exam!
I rocked that exam!
I heard you did great on the interview!
I heard you rocked the interview!
By getting rid of crime and bringing in new business, Giuliani did a great job in New York.
By getting rid of crime and bringing in new business, Giuliani rocked New York.
8. |
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to turn something around = to make something much better
I hope our new goalie will make this team much better.
I hope our new goalie will turn this team around.
I hope he can make this company much better.
I hope he can turn this company around.
She really made her life much better.
She really turned her life around.
If Giuliani did that to New York, I think he also could make this country much better.
If Giuliani did that to New York, I think he also could turn this country around.
Easy: I’m sorry I’d didn’t answer your email. It was forgotten because I was busy.
Advanced: I’m sorry I’d didn’t answer your email. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ .
Easy: The pain in my tooth went so far that I had to see a dentist.
Advanced: The pain in my tooth ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ I had to see a dentist.
Easy: When Brad became the leader of this company, our sales improved immediately.
Advanced: When Brad ___ ___ this company, our sales improved immediately.
Easy: The University is not tolerating students who cheat.
Advanced: The University is ___ ___ ___ students who cheat.
Easy: I think I only paid $100 approximately for this phone.
Advanced: I think I only paid $100 ___ ___ for this phone.
Easy: I disposed of all my old clothes. I have so much space now, in my closet!
Advanced: I __ __ __ all my old clothes. I have so much space now, in my closet!
Easy: I heard you did great on the interview!
Advanced: I heard you ___ the interview!
Easy: I hope our new goalie will make this team much better.
Advanced: I hope our new goalie will ___ ___ ___ ___ .