Arizona Lesson 2 Part 2

Time for the next Words of Experience video!


Add the words or expressions you learned in this video to your flash-cards now.
Then try the fluency building exercises below.

Fluency Builder

1st: The audio gives you a hint. “a discussion about our plans”

2nd: The audio gives you and example of the (construction) short phrases to use.

3rd: Try and make the complete sentence before I say the entire sentence


1. got into a discussion


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got into a discussion

Example: a discussion about our plans — We got into a discussion about our plans.

a fight over a woman — We got into a fight over a woman.

a discussion about our plans — We got into a discussion about our plans.

an argument last night — We got into an argument last night.

a heated debate over politics — We got into a heated debate over politics.

2. heated


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Example: about taxes — They got into a heated discussion about taxes.

argument over our bills — They got into a heated argument over our bills.

discussion about taxes — They got into a heated discussion about taxes.

discussion about sports — They got into a heated discussion about sports.

debate on some topic or other — They got into a heated debate on some topic or other.

3. shot past


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shot past

Example: the runway — We completely shot past the runway.

the highway entrance — We completely shot past the highway entrance.

the runway — We completely shot past the runway.

the exit — We completely shot past the exit.

the Grand Canyon — We completely shot past the Grand Canyon.

4. really really painful


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really really painful

Example: leaving my iphone in the taxi — Leaving my iphone in the taxi was really really painful.

forgetting my plane tickets — Forgetting my plane tickets was really really painful.

leaving my i-phone in the taxi — Leaving my i-phone in the taxi was really really painful.

losing my passport — Losing my passport was really really painful.

not finding my wallet — Not finding my wallet was really really painful.

5. even


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Example: talk to her — He didn’t even talk to her.

eat anything — He didn’t even eat anything.

talk to her — He didn’t even talk to her.

say, “Thank You” — He didn’t even say, “Thank You”.

know anything about cooking — He didn’t even know anything about cooking.

care that he hurt her feelings — He didn’t even care that he hurt her feelings.

6. was like


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was like

Example: this place is really crowded — She was like, “This place is really crowded”.

these are so cheap — She was like, “These are so cheap.”

this place is really crowded — She was like, “This place is really crowded.”

this is so delicious — She was like, “This is so delicious.”

I really want to leave — She was like, “I really want to leave.”

7. pull-over


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Example: My car got a flat-tire so I — My car got a flat-tire so I pulled-over.

There was a policeman behind me so I — There was a policeman behind me so I pulled-over.

My car got a flat-tire so I — My car got a flat-tire so I pulled over.

There was an ambulance coming so I — There was an ambulance coming so I pulled-over.

The drunk-driver finally — The drunk-driver finally pulled-over.


Downloads and Homework

Here are the advanced expressions you learned in this lesson. DO NOT go to the next lesson until you remember these, and have practiced the Fluency Building Exercises many times.
If you have any questions contact your coach who can help you.
Your Homework is:
Tomorrow, listen to all the audio files, and practice with your flashcards, until you can say all of the drills quickly and easily.
1. got into 2. heated 3. shot past
4. really really painful 5. even 6. was like
7. pull-over