Welcome to Lesson 2. Remember, that if you have any questions you can contact your coach for advice. Send to: support@realenglishnow.com
Now, you will start to learn the advanced words and expressions naturally. You will learn the grammar through pattern recognition, and the meaning based on context, or the other words in the sentence. Do the steps exactly as stated and you will easily, quickly, learn the new material.
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1. Click and analyze.
2. Listen again.
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started → got into
John and Paul started discussing their plans.
John and Paul got into a discussion about their plans.
Two drunk guys started fighting over a woman.
Two drunk guys got into a fight over a woman.
My wife and I started arguing last night, but everything is fine now.
My wife and I got into an argument last night, but everything is fine now.
Glenn and Dasha kind of started a heated debate.
Glenn and Dasha kind of got into a heated debate.
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somewhat intense → heated
The two politicians got into a somewhat intense discussion about taxes.
The two politicians got into a heated discussion about taxes.
Me and my roommate got into a somewhat intense argument over our bills.
Me and my roommate got into a heated argument over our bills.
Erin and Roger got into a somewhat intense discussion about religion.
Erin and Roger got into a heated discussion about religion.
Glen and Dasha kind of got into a somewhat intense debate on some topic or other.
Glenn and Dasha kind of got into a heated debate on some topic or other.
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unexpectedly went far beyond → shot past
The airplane unexpectedly went far beyond the runway and slid into the safety barrier.
The airplane shot past the runway and slid into the safety barrier.
I unexpectedly went far beyond the highway entrance, so I had to turn my car around.
I shot past the highway entrance, so I had to turn my car around.
The rocket unexpectedly went far beyond the moon, and headed toward mars.
The rocket shot past the moon, and headed toward mars.
We unexpectedly went far beyond our exit for the canyon.
We shot past our exit for the canyon.
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very bad → really really painful
I left my i-phone in the taxi this morning and missed all my business calls. That was very bad.
I left my i-phone in the taxi this morning and missed all my business calls. That was really really painful.
I got a $500 parking ticket yesterday. That was very bad.
I got a $500 parking ticket yesterday. That was really painful.
When I got to the airport, I didn’t have my passport, or tickets. That was very bad.
When I got to the airport, I didn’t have my passport, or tickets. That was really really painful.
…by over 100 miles, that was very bad.
…by over 100 miles, that was really really painful.
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didn’t ____ at all → even
John was mad at Sally, so he didn’t talk to her at all.
John was mad at Sally, so he didn’t even talk to her.
She was feeling sick. At dinner, she didn’t eat anything at all.
She was feeling sick. At dinner, she didn’t even eat anything.
I gave Bill a birthday present, but he didn’t say, “Thank you.” at all.
I gave Bill a birthday present, but he didn’t even say, “Thank you.”
We didn’t know it at all.
We didn’t even know it.
It’s not like we knew it at all.
It’s not like we even knew it.
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said –> thought → was like
I saw some nice paintings, and I said, “Those are beautiful.”
I saw some nice paintings, and I thought, “Those are beautiful.”
I saw some nice paintings, and I was like, “Those are beautiful.”
They said, “The Grand Canyon!?!”
They thought, “The Grand Canyon!?!”
They’re like, “The Grand Canyon!?!”
I thought “There sure are a lot of people here.”
I said “There sure are a lot of people here.”
I’m like “There sure are a lot of people here.”
I thought, “Hey, I mean we should’ve been there by now.”
I said, “Hey, I mean we should’ve been there by now.”
I’m like, “Hey, I mean we should’ve been there by now.”
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get off the road and stop your car → pull-over
I was driving too fast, so the cop-car made me get off the road and stop my car.
I was driving too fast, so the cop-car pulled me over.
The road was really narrow, so I got off the road and stopped my car to let the ambulance go through.
The road was really narrow, so I pulled-over to let the ambulance go through.
The policeman was yelling “get off the road and stop your car!” but the drunk-driver wouldn’t stop.
The policeman was yelling “pull-over” but the drunk-driver wouldn’t stop.
We got off the road and stopped our car, you know, we asked someone…
We pulled-over, you know, we asked someone…
1a: Easy: I was driving too fast, so the cop-car made me get off the road and stop my car.
1a: Advanced: I was driving too fast, so the cop-car ______ me ______.
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2a: The rocket unexpectedly went far beyond the moon, and headed toward mars.
2b: The rocket ______ ______ the moon, and headed toward mars.
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Play the audio again, and repeat, until you can say from memory.
3a: I thought, “Hey, I mean we should’ve been there by now.”
3b: I said, “Hey, I mean we should’ve been there by now.”
3c: I__ ______ like, “Hey, I mean we should’ve been there by now.”
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Play the audio again, and repeat, until you can say from memory.
4a: I gave Bill a birthday present, but he didn’t say, “Thank you.” at all.
4b: I gave Bill a birthday present, but he _______ _______ say, “Thank you.”
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Play the audio again, and repeat, until you can say from memory.
5a: Glenn and Dasha kind of started a heated debate.
5b: Glenn and Dasha kind of ______ ______ a heated debate.
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Play the audio again, and repeat, until you can say from memory.
6a: When I got to the airport, I didn’t have my passport, or tickets. That was very bad.
6b: When I got to the airport, I didn’t have my passport, or tickets. That was _______ _______ _______.
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Play the audio again, and repeat, until you can say from memory.
Click REVEAL to show the answer.
How many did you get correct? If you made a mistake…
Do them ALL one more time. It will help you remember.