
  • — Arizona Lesson 2 Part 2

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    Arizona Lesson 2 Part 2 Time for the next Words of Experience video! Add the words or expressions you learned in this video to your flash-cards now. Then try the fluency building exercises below. 1st: The audio gives you a hint. “a discussion about our plans” 2nd: The audio gives you and example of the…

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  • Arizona Lesson 2

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    Welcome to Lesson 2. Remember, that if you have any questions you can contact your coach for advice. Send to: Now, you will start to learn the advanced words and expressions naturally. You will learn the grammar through pattern recognition, and the meaning based on context, or the other words in the sentence. Do…

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  • — Arizona Lesson 1 Part 2

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    Arizona Lesson 1 Part 2 Let’s take a break from our new words and expressions, and watch the first video in the Words of Experience series. Add the words or expressions you learned in this video to your flash-cards now. Then try the fluency building exercises below. I’d like to show you how to do…

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  • Arizona Lesson 1

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    Welcome to the first lesson of Live Conversations. Language learning starts by listening and understanding first. Start by watching this first video. Don’t write or try to remember. Just watch and listen. You might not understand much of it. That’s OK. At the end of the lesson you will be able to speak using many…

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