Live Conversation - New Zealand Lesson 1

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Let's Learn the Advanced Phrases!

Please watch the video below. Remember: Don’t write anything. Just watch and listen. By the end of the lesson you will understand everything!

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Greg: It’s called the Shadow Caster and—

Mark: Yeah.

Greg: It lets off a nice shadow, just below it. And that’s the point, entirely. But it goes unnoticed.

Mark: I wish I’d taken a picture of it. Just off-screen (outside of the video) is the, I guess you’d call it the placard which describes the, you know, tells you the painting title, the artist, and an in-depth analysis, which was just chock full of B.S. (slang – an abbreviation of the impolite expression “bull shit” – only use around friends) …you know, art B.S….an analysis of why this painting is stunning and a significant work.

Greg: Why it’s “stunning?!”

Mark: I am not kidding! “In its bold interpretation of post-neoclassical blah-blah-blah.” You know what I mean? I am not kidding. It was the—this essay on why this was a genius work (work of art). And so, that just, that drives me mad. I mean, I like modern art, but this is just ridiculous. And then how much they paid for it! I think it sold for $800,000 or something. That’s what they bought it for.

Greg: Uggh! God! (“wow” with a negative feeling)

Mark: So we got a…That was my favorite painting in the museum. So we got a kick out of that one.

Greg: And the artist, I can promise you, the artist went into Home Depot (name of a store that sells paint and supplies), said, “Do you have any black paint?” And they went, “Yeah.” And he says, “Here’s one. This is called Stunning Black.” He’s like, “Stunning! Yes! Stunning black, that’s what I’ll do.” Anyway….

Mark: Sorry, that’s—that kills me. Yeah, he has five other very similar works. You know, “White on white,” “Yellow on yellow,” and…But this was his masterpiece.


Step 1
Listen to Audio #1 below.
Listening before reading is very important. Please, DO NOT read the text yet. If you don’t understand the audio, that’s okay. Listen now, at least two times.
Click below (where it says, ‘Click to reveal #1’) and compare the sentences. See the highlighted phrases? They both have the same meaning. But the 1st one is what students of English say. (For example: “completely full of”). The 2nd one is what native speakers say, “chock full of”. Listen one more time, and then go to Step #3.

[toggle title=”Click to reveal #1″]

chock full of = completely full of

Remember, in these four groups of sentences below, a native speaker will usually use the 2nd version. So, "chock full of" is the advanced phrase we want to learn.

Our bread is completely full of whole wheat and grains.
Our bread is chock full of whole wheat and grains.

The book is completely full of humor.
The book is chock full of humor.

This juice is completely full of vitamins.
This juice is chock full of vitamins.

The description of the painting was completely full of ridiculous statements.
The description of the painting was chock full of ridiculous statements.


Make a flashcard. Write one of the example sentences on your card, and underline the new word. On the other side of the card, write the translation in your first language. Please make these flashcards now, as you go through the lesson. Then repeat Steps 1 – 3 for each word below.


[toggle title=”Click to reveal #2″]

(slang) B.S. = a statement (or statements) that is probably not true
NOTE: This is an abbreviation of  the rude expression "bullshit". Be careful to use this only around friends!

Remember, the 2nd version (using "B.S.") is how a native speaker will probably say these sentences.


Everything he said about me was statements that are not true!
Everything he said about me was B.S.!

Everything the government says is statements that are not true!
Everything the government says is B.S.!

This article as all statements that are not true.
This article as all B.S.

The placard was full of art statements that are probably not true.
The placard was full of art B.S.



[toggle title=”Click to reveal #3″]

blah-blah-blah = etc, etc. (The speaker assumes that the listener knows the parts he is skipping.)

We were in a restaurant in Hollywood, etc., etc. and we got Tom Cruise’s autograph.
We were in a restaurant in Hollywood, blah-blah-blah and we got Tom Cruise’s autograph.

We were talking, etc., etc., and then she kissed me!
We were talking, blah-blah-blah, and then she kissed me!

The news is always the same: Sports, weather, etc., etc.
The news is always the same: Sports, weather,  blah-blah-blah.

They described the painting as being, "…a bold interpretation of post-neoclassical etc, etc."
They described the painting as being, "…a bold interpretation of post-neoclassical blah-blah-blah."



[toggle title=”Click to reveal #4″]

drives me (or you) mad = really annoys me (or you)

I get so much SPAM it really annoys me.
I get so much SPAM it drives me mad.

It really annoys me when you don’t listen.
It drives me madwhen you don’t listen.

Doesn’t the corruption really annoy you?
Doesn’t the corruption drive you mad?

That kind of writing really annoys me.
That kind of writing drives me mad.



[toggle title=”Click to reveal #5″]

to get a kick out of something = to be amused by something, to really enjoy
[NOTE: This usually applies to things we don’t think someone would normally enjoy.]

My wife really enjoys studying ancient languages.
My wife gets a kick out of studying ancient languages.

I really enjoy watching old TV shows.
I get a kick out of watching old TV shows.

I was amused by some of your photos.
I got a kick out of some of your photos.

I was amused by that painting.
I got a kick out of that painting.



[toggle title=”Click to reveal #6″]

(it) that kills me = that bothers me

It bothers me when I’m trying to concentrate and my neighbor’s dogs are barking.
It kills me when I’m trying to concentrate and my neighbor’s dogs are barking.

It bothers me when I can’t remember someone’s name.
It kills me when I can’t remember someone’s name.

It bothers me when children are rude to adults.
It kills me when children are rude to adults.

That kind of writing just bothers me.
That kind of writing just kills me.

Text New Expressions

Step 1.
First, read the “Easy” sentence. Then, try to think of the advanced expression that we learned which has the same meaning as the highlighted expression.

Easy: Our bread is completely full of whole wheat and grains.

Advanced: Our bread is ___ ___ of whole wheat and grains.

Step 2.
Play the audio file to check your answer.
Step 3.
Play the audio again, and repeat, until you can say it from memory.
Step 4.
Repeat Steps 1 – 3 for each set below.

Easy: Everything he said about me was statements that are not true!
Advanced: Everything he said about me was __ !


Easy: We were talking, etc., etc., and then she kissed me!

Advanced: We were talking, ___-___-___ , and then she kissed me!


Easy: I get so much SPAM it really annoys me.
Advanced: I get so much SPAM it ___  ___  ___ .


Easy: My wife really enjoys studying ancient languages.
Advanced: My wife ___  ___  ___  ___  ___ studying ancient languages.


Easy: It bothers me when I’m trying to concentrate and my neighbor’s dogs are barking.

Advanced: ___  ___  ___  when I’m trying to concentrate and my neighbor’s dogs are barking.

Fill in the blanks

Directions: Type the Advanced Expression in the blank. Click REVEAL to show the answer.

Hint: completely full

1. This juice is of vitamins.

Hint: statements that are not true

2. This article as all .

Hint: etc.

3. The news is always the same: Sports, weather, .

Hint: really annoys me

4. It when you don’t listen.

Hint: really enjoy

5. I watching old TV shows.

Hint: bothers me

6. It when I can’t remember someone’s name.

How many did you get correct? If you made a mistake…
Do them ALL one more time. It will help you remember.

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