— Prague Lesson 7 Part 2

Prague Lesson 7 Part 2

Try the fluency building exercises below.

Fluency Builder

I’d like to show you how to do these fluency building exercises. This is not easy. You have to listen, think, and speak. It might take many times before you can do these easily. So, download them and practice them as much as you can. Don’t just listen. Say them out loud. This is how you will become fluent!


1. That’s more tempting when ______ .

Example: you’re really hungry — That’s more tempting when you’re really hungry.

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1. That’s more tempting when ______ .

you’re really hungry
it’s cold outside
you’re by yourself
in the summer


2. There are thousands upon thousands of _______ .

Example: police officers in New York — There are thousands upon thousands of police officers in New York.

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There are thousands upon thousands of _______ .

police officers in New York
bars in Los Angeles
churches in America
illegal immigrants here


3. I’d like to do _______ one day.

Example: London — I’d like to do London one day.

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I’d like to do _______ one day.

Rio’s Carnival


Downloads and Homework

Here are the advanced expressions you learned in this lesson. DO NOT go to the next lesson until you remember these, and have practiced the Fluency Building Exercises many times. If you have any questions, contact your coach who can help you.
Your homework is: Tomorrow, listen to all the audio files and practice with your flashcards, until you can say all of the drills quickly.
1. more tempting 2. the half of it 3. hundreds upon hundreds
4. per capita 5. got ’em beat (often “have got ’em beat”) 6. to do (a location)